Events and meetings

The ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for India (DWT/CO-New Delhi) organizes and takes part in a number of events and meetings in the sub-region. Below is a list of upcoming and past events. Any queries should be sent to the office by email.


  1. Three Days Training of Trade Unions in Construction Sector

    29 June - 1 July 2009

    The objective of the training was to build capacity of trade unions in construction sector to take up intervention on HIV and AIDS among the informal workers.

  2. Expert Group Meeting on Financial Crisis

    24 June 2009

    To present the findings to the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

  3. Skills Development for Domestic Workers

    8 April 2009

    To discuss and review the first draft of the Trainers Guide/Manual for implementation Level 1 domestic help training programme.

  4. ILO/AIOE/MoLE Meeting on Promoting Skills at the Workplace

    13 March 2009

    To discuss issues related to skills development at workplace.

  5. Experts Group Meeting on Financial Crisis

    13 March 2009

    To look at the social dimensions of the economic crisis; steps taken and further steps which can be taken to address the social dimensions; and jointly identify areas for possible action by the ILO and partners.

  6. ACTRAV/ILO Headquarters Conference on Global Labour University on "Finalization of Capital-Deterioration of Working Conditions"

    22 - 24 February 2009

    To analyse the impact of the global financial crisis and look at alternatives on the global financial system.

  7. Knowledge sharing workshop on debt bondage in India

    19 - 20 February 2009

    A joint meeting between stakeholders to join forces, share knowledge, work together more coherently, and to stimulate complementary action from and between different actors now seems to be a logic next step to determine the way forward in fighting debt bondage.


  1. National Stakeholders Consultation on HIV and AIDS and the Construction Sector

    25 November 2008

    As part of the joint UN project "Preparatory Assistance for Development of a Programme on Safe Mobility and HIV", ILO organized this Consultation in New Delhi.

  2. Skill Building Workshop on HIV & AIDS Workplace Intervention for State AIDS Control Society /Technical Support Units

    5 - 7 November 2008

    The workshop will focus on workplace policy and programmes, advocacy for workplace intervention, and mainstreaming HIV and AIDS issue in state departments

  3. Seminar on Comparative Systems for Labour Law Enforcement and Training Programme for Labour Officers and Labour/Factory Inspectors

    20 - 24 October 2008