Labour and human rights and international labour standards

Module on labour and human rights and international labour standards

The module aims to serve as an easy-to-read resource book on labour rights and standards and also serve as a critical guide in conducting labour and human rights training sessions. The module also contains key learning points, application tips, and case studies that both trainers and readers can refer to in order to further develop the suggested content and methodology per each module chapter and session.

The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommnendations (CEACR) in 2016 and the Direct Contacts Mission (DCM) in 2017 noted the role of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in mechanisms to investigate and monitor cases of labour-related EJKs, and provide relevant legal services.

This led to an opportunity to develop this Module on labour and human rights and international labour standards for the CHR to use as a framework and basis to build the capacity of its staff and personnel to apply a labour lens on human rights issues by taking into account international core conventions, particularly ILO Convention Nos 87 (Freedom of Association) and 98 (Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining), the ILO supervisory mechanisms, the national investigative and monitoring mechanisms on violations of workers human rights, and the 2012 guidelines on the conduct of the police, military, and security forces in the context of workers’ rights and activities, among others.