Child labour and youth employment in the Philippines

Understanding child labour and youth employment outcomes in the Philippines: Country report

Overcoming the twin challenges of child labour and the youth decent work deficit will be critical to progress in the Philippines towards its broader social development goals.

The report was developed under the aegis of the National Child Labour Committee (NCLC) and in close collaboration with the three UCW partner agencies (ILO, UNICEF and World Bank). It provides an important common basis for action in addressing child labour and youth employment issues. There are four objectives of the report: (a) improve the information base on child labour and youth employment, in order to inform policy and programmatic responses; (b) promote policy dialogue on child labour and the lack of opportunities for decent and productive work for youth; (c) analyse the relationship between early school leaving, child labour and future status in the labour market; and (d) build national capacity for regular collection and analysis of data relating to child labour and youth employment.