Resources on child labour in agriculture


  1. Fact sheet

    Hazardous child labour in agriculture, cocoa sector (Safety and health)

    01 April 2004

  2. Girl child labour studies, vol.2

    Girl child labour studies - vol. 2: agriculture, domestic work and sexual exploitation in Philippines, Ghana and Ecuador - A comparative analysis

    01 January 2004

    Series of comparative analysis focusing on girl child labour in agriculture, domestic work and sexual exploitation.


  1. Publication

    Baseline Survey on Worst Forms of Child Labour in the Agricultural Sector: Children in Cotton Harvesting in Karatas, Adana

    01 September 2003

    The overall objective of this survey was to obtain quantitative and qualitative data on the nature, conditions and effects of employment on the health, education and development of children engaged as seasonal labourers in cotton harvesting in the Karatas District of Adana.

  2. Instructional material

    Combating child labour in hazardous work in Salt Production, Rubber Plantation and Fishing sectors in Cambodia

    01 August 2003

    This publication is meant to assist employers, workers including parent and working children, child labour monitors and inspectors in the respective sectors in bringing about improvements in safety and health practices.


  1. Publication

    Lebanon - Child labour on tobacco plantations: A rapid assessment (IWFCL, no 17)

    01 December 2002

  2. Publication

    Tanzania - Children working in commercial agriculture, coffee: A rapid assessment (IWFCL, no 13)

    01 December 2002

  3. Publication

    Tanzania - Children working in commercial agriculture, tea: A rapid assessment (IWFCL, no 11)

    01 December 2002

  4. Publication

    Tanzania - Child labour in the horticulture sector in Arumeru District: A rapid assessment (IWFCL, no 10)

    01 December 2002

  5. Publication

    Tanzania - Child labour in commercial agriculture, tobacco: A rapid assessment (IWFCL, no 9)

    01 December 2002

  6. Publication

    Executive Summary Baseline for the prevention and gradual elimination of child labour in the flower industry in the districts of Cayambe and Pedro Moncayo, Ecuador

    01 October 2002

    This study was made with the objetive to identify 1,000 children working on flower farms in Cayambe and Pedro Moncayo, determine their working conditions and family and educational situation, discover their perceptions of their work, identify dangerous processes, explore the dynamics and relationships related to social responses to child labour in the flower industry, and identify the characteristics of the socio-economic situation in this districts.