109th Session of the International Labour Conference (2021)

Submitting amendments for the COVID Response Committee

Since 2019, the submission of amendments for the technical committees has been done through an online tool.

Accessing the tool

Government delegates: The tool may be accessed by accredited Government delegates or advisers, acting either in a national capacity or on behalf of a regional group, or other group of countries, by entering the delegate’s email address that was provided for accreditation to the Conference, and the PIN code received from the Conference Secretariat.

Employer and Worker delegates: The submission of amendments is centralized through the group secretariats, which have been provided with access codes.

The outcome document submitted for amendments

The draft outcome document was published on the Conference website on 20 May in the appendix of the Director-General’s report.

Three steps to follow

1. Preparation

The tool will be operational as from Thursday 27 May 2021, giving the groups and individual governments the opportunity to start preparing and saving proposed amendments.
Amendments may only be submitted in English, French or Spanish.

Checklist for preparing amendments

  1. Delegates are reminded that amendments must be seconded by at least one other Committee member, in order to be discussed. This must be indicated on the amendment form before submitting.
  2. Amendments submitted on behalf of a Government group (AFRICA, GRULAC, ASPAG) must have the support of ALL countries of that group. If this is not the case, kindly indicate which country(ies) does(do) not support the amendment.
  3. When preparing the amendments it is particularly important to ensure that:
  • the purpose of the amendment is clear and that the amendment is consistent with the structure of the text and with ILO terminology;
  • the amendment is manageable: it has a uniform purpose and will trigger only one discussion;
  • amendments which relate to two or more distinct concepts should be split into two or more amendments to facilitate discussion.

2. Submission

The actual submission of amendments will be possible from 09:00 on Monday 31 May to 17:00 on Tuesday 1 June 2021 as indicated in the Committee’s tentative plan of work and in the Daily bulletin.

Delegates must be connected to the meeting to present an amendment. If the delegate is not present, the amendment will not be discussed.

3. Validation

For amendments to be formally received, and processed, they must be validated by the Committee’s Secretariat.
This will be done on Monday 31 May from 09:00 to 17:00 and on Tuesday 1 June from 09:00 to 17:00.

  • Once an amendment has been validated, the delegate will receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • If an amendment(s) require(s) further clarification, an email will be sent to the delegate requesting him/her to contact the Committee’s Secretariat before 17:00 (CEST) on Tuesday 1 June.
    In the event that the delegate does not contact the Committee’s Secretariat, the amendment will not be validated. Amendments that have not been validated will not be presented to the Committee for discussion.

To access the online tool, click here.

Please address any queries to the Secretariat of the COVID Response Committee: COVIDRESPONSE@ilo.org