ILO/UNIFEM/EC Asian Programme on Managing cross-border Movement of Labour in Southeast Asia

The project aims to promote active dialogue and cooperation for enhanced gender and rights-based management of labour migration among countries in the Asian region, and thereby minimize exploitative and abusive treatment of migrant workers.

The establishment of such dialogue and cooperation shall concern Governments and their social partners, namely employers' and workers' organizations, as well as national and regional advocates/intermediaries and civil society organizations. The project shall contribute to the adoption of appropriate policies and the enactment of enabling laws, the training of labour administrators, improving information systems for decision-making, and promoting bilateral agreements and regular consultations among the countries in the region. The project will be executed by the ILO in collaboration with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

Additional information may be obtained from M. Manolo Abella, Chief Technical Adviser, ILO Asian Regional Programme on Governance of Labour Migration, Bangkok, THAILAND, Tel: +66 2 288 2243, E-mail: