The Green Jobs Assessments Institutions Network (GAIN) establishes its First Training Hub in Africa

The Training Hub is based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the ILO and the University of Pretoria, and aims to build institutional capacity on Green Jobs Assessment Models.

News | 25 September 2019
GAIN is a global network of currently 33 members, mostly research institutions. They are joined by the common goal of evidence-based policymaking based on a standard methodology of Input-Output models. These models, once nationally built and owned, support evidence-based policymaking.

In the context of climate policies, the models quantify social and labour market outcomes, proposing just transition policies to maximise positive and minimize negative impacts. This GAIN first edition in Africa was held from September 9-13, 2019, and it was dedicated to informing about the climate policies that countries have to submit trough the so-called National Determined Contributions (NDCs) in 2020.

Policymakers and researchers from six African countries participated; in the opening debate, senior officials from Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Labour, Ministries in charge of Climate Change, and Social Partners discussed key social, economic, and employment outcomes that climate policies must take into account.

Policymakers asked the researchers to build models that allow them to answer their questions: What is the job impact of a renewable energy target? Which skills are required? How many jobs for women and men will be created or lost? What is the distributional impact of a tax on carbon emissions? Will rural households gain as well? How much waste and pollution is generated and jobs impacted?

Mauritius, Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, Rwanda and Zimbabwe actively engaged in the discussion. The World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), African Development Bank (AfDB), UNFCCC, UNDP, German Development Agency (GIZ), and ILO Regional and Sub-regional Office worked together with countries on hands-on exercises.

At the end of the training, participants built simplified Green Jobs Assessment models on their computers and analysed their national economic statistics contained in Input-Output tables and Social Accounting Matrixes. A total of fourteen sessions were delivered in two different training tracks, one for policymakers and one for researchers.

Trainers from the GAIN Network equally enjoyed the teaching. Saying goodbye, one of the trainers from the German Institute for Economic Structure Research (GWS) said: “It was real fun!” Trainers also came from the University of Mauritius, the University of Pretoria, The Norwegian Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research (SINTEF), and from the ILO.

Asking one participant about the training: “It has been a great learning experience and one of the best trainings I have attended. I feel I have gained a set of tools and insights that I can apply to make an impact.”

For more information about the Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network, see the GAIN website.