EPIC launch in the media

News | 25 September 2017
Contact(s): epic@ilo.org


ONU Brasil
ONU e parceiros lançam iniciativa pela igualdade salarial entre homens e mulheres

La Ciudad de las Diosas

Una nueva iniciativa apoyará las políticas innovadoras y las prácticas eficaces para alcanzar la igualdad de remuneración en todo el mundo

Women’s Views on News
A boost for the equal pay struggle


St. Martin News Network
Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work

iNews Cayman
Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work

St Maarten Island Times
Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work

Common Dreams.org
Equal Pay for Women Supported by the U.N.—Trump, Not So Much

Italian Network
Donne - Diseguaglianza Salariale - Dall'ilo : Nuovo Partenariato Globale Pwe La Parita' Retributiva Delle Donne

Long Island Tech News
The Heat: UNGA – gender equality and women empowerment

Une puissante coalition mondiale en faveur de l'égalité de rémunération pour les femmes

Pagesafrik Online
Une puissante coalition mondiale en faveur de l'égalité de rémunération pour les femmes

Cape Times Online
Global coalition to push for equal pay for women at work

Centro de Información de las Naciones Unidas Lima
Las Naciones Unidas y sus socios lanzan iniciativa para alcanzar la misma remuneración para mujeres en el trabajo

European Union
EU at UN General Assembly

United Nations Multimedia
EPIC coalition will work to end the gender pay gap

UN Women
Speech: Unequal pay: united action against this formidable discrimination

Just Earth News
UN launches initiative to reach equal pay for equal work by 2030

Actualidad y noticias sobre Recursos Humanos, RRHH, laboral y empleo

UN and partners launch initiative to reach equal pay for women at work

UN and partners launch initiative to reach equal pay for women at work

India Blooms
UN launches initiative to reach equal pay for equal work by 2030

UN and partners launch initiative to reach equal pay for women at work

UN launches initiative to reach equal pay for equal work by 2030

UN Women
Press release: Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work

Philippine Times
UN and partners launch initiative to reach equal pay for women at work

Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work - New initiative will support innovative and effective equal pay policies and practices around the globe

UN and partners launch initiative to reach equal pay for women at work

UN launches initiative to reach equal pay for equal work by 2030

Press release: Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work

United Nations General Assembly : 18/09/2017 UN launches initiative to reach equal pay for equal work by 2030

UN launches initiative to reach equal pay for equal work by 2030

ILO International Labour Organization : Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work

My informs
Press release: Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work

United Nations News Service
UN and partners launch initiative to reach equal pay for women at work


EPIC, un partenariat mondial pour lutter contre l'inégalité salariale hommes/femmes

Associated Press of Pakistan
UN and partners launch initiative to reach equal pay for women at work

Powerful global coalition to boost equal pay for women at work