Resources on Cross Cutting areas

  1. The impact of irrigation on poverty

    01 December 2002


  2. Small-Scale Contracting for Infrastructure Works in Vietnam

    01 November 2002

  3. Private Sector Participation in the Road Network Improvement Project - Mission Report

    15 October 2002

    Fact-finding Mission by ILO ASIST-AP, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, 15 October – 1 November 2002

  4. Ninth Regional Seminar for Labour-based Practitioners

    Seminar theme was 'Towards appropriate engineering practices and an enabling environment'

  5. Use of Labour based works Technology in the Smallholder Development Project, Feasibility Study

    20 February 2002

    Assessment the potential use of labour-based works technology for the construction and rehabilitation of roads under the infrastructure component of the Smallholder Development Project.

  6. Organisation, negotiation and contracting: Case study of west Gandak and Marchawar Lift irrigation systems

    01 February 2002

    Socio-Economic Technical Papers (SETP) No. 11

  7. Rural transport studies: Three baseline surveys in Cambodia

    01 January 2002

    Rural transport infrastructure research: Seim Reap and Oddar Meanchey Provinces, Kingdom of Cambodia

  8. Perspectives on Rural Infrastructure Development: Workshop findings, Identifying the Needs and Priorities of Local Governments

    01 January 2002

  9. Quantification of Accessibility Levels of Rural Areas: A case study in the Northern Province of South Africa

    01 January 2002

  10. Role of the Central Government in the decentralization process of rural infrastructure development

    14 November 2001

    “Using Infrastructure Development as a Strategy for Employment Creation and Poverty Alleviation” Workshop report