Tools and Services on Labour Standards


  1. Document

    The Hague Declaration on the Promotion of Workplace Compliance by Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions

    03 November 2015

  2. International Journal of Labour Research

    A just transition for all: Can the past inform the future?

    11 June 2015

    2015 is a decisive year for global agreements on Sustainable Development and climate change. The ILO calls for a just transition for all towards a greener and more socially sustainable economy. This Journal is focussing on drawing lessons from a few transition experiences in order to analyse how successfully (or not) these processes were managed in the past and how future transitions might be handled in a just manner. Challenges such as policy coherence, consultations and participation by all relevant stakeholders are addressed and lessons learned on these issues are highlighted in the Journal.

  3. 2015 World Report on Child Labour

    World Report on Child Labour 2015: Paving the way to decent work for young people

    10 June 2015

    The second volume of the ILO World Report on Child Labour series highlights the close linkages between child labour and good youth employment outcomes, and the consequent need for common policy approaches to addressing challenges arising in countries where both child labour and youth unemployment prevail.

  4. Publication

    Compendium of Maritime Labour Instruments - Second (revised) edition

    01 June 2015

    The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 94th (Maritime) Session, is sometimes called a “bill of rights” for seafarers. It sets out seafarers’ rights to decent conditions of work and helps establish conditions for fair competition for shipowners.

  5. Publication

    Employment protection legislation: Summary indicators in the area of terminating regular contracts (individual dismissals)

    27 March 2015

  6. Publication

    Labour Markets, Institutions and Inequality: Building just societies in the 21st century

    14 January 2015

    “Good governance, social stabilization and economic justice are not luxuries that weigh down and impede the process of development. They are the essence of development itself. This book provides the documentation required to carry the point.” From the Foreword by James K. Galbraith


  1. Publication

    Rules of the Game: a brief introduction to International Labour Standards (Revised edition 2014)

    06 November 2014

    Aimed at a non-specialist audience, this revised publication provides an introduction to international labour standards and discusses their importance in today’s global economy, the subjects they cover, how they are applied and supervised, and where further information can be sought.

  2. Publication

    Handbook: Guidance on implementing the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 - Model National Provisions [2nd impression (with modifications), 2014]

    03 November 2014

    This handbook contains a model for legal provisions that implement the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). This model closely follows the provisions of the Convention. It is not a proposal for a national law (although with some adjustments it could be used as such), but, rather, it is intended as an aid, in whole or in part, for national legislators and legislative counsel in drafting the necessary legal texts to implement the MLC, 2006.

  3. Joint WHO/ILO briefing note for workers and employers

    Ebola Virus Disease: Occupational safety and health

    05 September 2014

    This briefing note is based on the existing WHO and ILO guides and recommendations for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) at the time of the publication. It will be updated as new information and recommendations become available.

  4. Publication

    Guide to international labour standards (2014)

    10 June 2014

    Provides summaries of the contents of ILO Conventions and Recommendations by subject matter.