Tools and Services on Freedom of Association


  1. Publication

    Handbook: Guidance on implementing the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 - Model National Provisions [2nd impression (with modifications), 2014]

    03 November 2014

    This handbook contains a model for legal provisions that implement the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). This model closely follows the provisions of the Convention. It is not a proposal for a national law (although with some adjustments it could be used as such), but, rather, it is intended as an aid, in whole or in part, for national legislators and legislative counsel in drafting the necessary legal texts to implement the MLC, 2006.

  2. International Journal of Labour Research

    Trade unions and worker cooperatives: Where are we at?

    01 April 2014

    Last May, ACTRAV and the ILO cooperative branch held a seminar on the topic of relations between trade unions and worker cooperatives. The goal was to re-examine the relationship between the two movements by taking stock of recent initiatives around the world. To be sure, the relationship between trade unions and cooperatives is as long as the history of trade unions. In fact, it is fair to say that the first associations of workers that emerged in Europe looked more like cooperatives than trade unions.


  1. Publication

    National Tripartite Social Dialogue: An ILO guide for improved governance

    02 December 2013

    This guide is part of the ILO’s effort to respond to the demand from ILO member States for technical support in the field of establishing or strengthening mechanisms for tripartite social dialogue at the policy level in line with international labour standards and good comparative practice

  2. Guidelines

    Equal Pay - An introductory guide

    04 October 2013

    Ensuring that the work done by women and men is valued fairly and ending pay discrimination is essential to achieving gender equality. However, pay inequality continues to persist and gender pay gaps in some instances have stagnated or even increased.

  3. Handbook

    Understanding the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention

    19 February 2013

    This handbook explains Convention No. 169 (1989) to governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as for indigenous and tribal peoples.


  1. Meeting document

    Report III(1B): Giving globalization a human face (General Survey on the fundamental Conventions)

    02 March 2012

    General Survey on the fundamental Conventions concerning rights at work in light of the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, 2008.


  1. Publication

    A Guide to Selected Labour Inspection Systems (with special reference to OSH)

    08 August 2011

    This “Guide to Selected Labour Inspection Systems” is part of a research programme in the area of labour administration and labour inspection carried out by the ILO Labour Inspection and Administration Programme (LAB/ADMIN) with a view to better understanding the functioning of the various systems in the world.

  2. Meeting document

    Report I(B) - Equality at work: The continuing challenge - Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

    27 April 2011

  3. Publication

    The Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference: A dynamic and impact built on decades of dialogue and persuasion

    21 April 2011

    Puts together the practical consequences of the annual discussions of the International Labour Conference and emphasizes on what tangible transformations have occurred in the various legal and political systems.


  1. Publication

    The fundamentals of labour administration

    28 January 2010

    A well-coordinated, professional and efficient labour administration machinery is essential to the effective governance of the labour market. This book will be an invaluable resource for labour administrators, labour inspectors, conciliators, employment service officials, governments, workers, employers, researchers and professionals.