Discussion guide on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Discussion forum | 06 June 2017
Download the discussion guide in Excel format, fill-in and then send to decentwork@ilo.org

Tip: the discussion should first establish the factual basis and then consider the actual implementation of the respective policies and actions.
  1. Has your country ratified C.87 and C.98, and does government apply their provisions in practice?

  2. Does your country have any cases pending at the Committee on Freedom of Association?

  3. Does government promote and respect the right of employers and workers, as well as other interest groups, to freely organize and voice their concerns?

  4. Does government consult employers and workers at local and national level in developing national plans and policies?

  5. Have any violations of rights to freedom of association and to collective bargaining been reported or observed in the country?

  6. Do the members of the UN Country Team actively support ILO’s work in the areas of freedom of association and of collective bargaining?