Discussion guide on Enterprise Development

Discussion forum | 06 June 2017
Download the discussion guide in Excel format, fill-in and then send to decentwork@ilo.org

Tip: the discussion should first establish the factual basis and then consider the actual implementation of the respective policies and actions.
  1. Does the national programming framework of your country explicitly promote enterprise development, such as micro, small and medium size enterprises, cooperatives and social enterprises, or larger enterprises, including multinationals?

  2. Do such programmes consider the quantity and quality of employment creation associated with enterprise development, for both women and men?

  3. Do such programmes address the triple dimension of sustainable enterprise development (economic, social, and environmental)?

  4. Do such programmes specifically aim to establish a conducive and responsible business environment that reduces the regulatory cost or burden of doing business, promotes the respect for workers’ rights, the rule of law and property rights, and strengthens institutions for dispute resolution, labour inspection and for enforcing contracts?

  5. Do programmes exist that enhance the capacity of enterprises, particularly small and medium enterprises, cooperatives and informal economy entities, to take advantage of new market opportunities, including in export markets?

  6. Do national policies adopt a value chain approach and seek to identify and support sectors, industries or enterprise clusters with high potential for upgrading their position within national and global production chains?

  7. Do enterprise development programmes exist that:
    1. facilitate the access of enterprises to finance?
    2. provide training to enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of business owners?
    3. give particular attention to the needs of women entrepreneurs
    4. support young entrepreneurs?
    5. facilitate the access of emerging enterprises to markets?
    6. promote corporate social responsibility?
    7. adopt a local economic development approach?

  8. Do such programmes encourage and support enterprises to adopt environmentally sustainable production and processing technologies?