Good Practice

Tripartite action to protect migrants from labour exploitation (ASEAN TRIANGLE) - Final evaluation

Project documentation | 24 October 2017
Contact(s): CO-Bangkok
Good Practice Description

The reliability of funding benefits consistent planning and staff continuity. Both the total funding amount and the payment tranches were agreed in the Grant Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the ILO, and these were also followed precisely. This made implementation and planning also reliable and regular, positively impacting on outputs, partner relations and staffing continuity.

The Four-tiered ATP Approach: Regional, Tripartite-plus, Rights-based and Gender-responsive. The design focuses on the protection of the migrants from labour exploitation and on a reduction of inequality of women and men migrants in the light of increasing integration particularly within ASEAN but also outside of it. This will lead to the project's ultimate outcome of 'Increased labour rights protection and decent work opportunities for women and men migrant workers in Southeast Asia'.