ILO COOP/SSE participates in a webinar as part of an online training on My.COOP – Managing your agricultural cooperative

The 2020 edition of the online My.COOP training of trainers (ToT) workshop is taking place from 1 June to 7 August, with the participation of 25 people from Africa, Asia and Europe.

Noticia | 29 de julio de 2020
My.Coop is a training package and programme on the management of agricultural cooperatives, developed through a partnership of several organizations including the ILO, the FAO, the International Training Centre of the ILO, Agriterra, the KIT Royal Tropical Institute and the Wageningen University and Research Centre.

The online My.Coop package was designed to enable existing and potential managers of agricultural cooperatives to identify and address major challenges specific to cooperatives in market-oriented agricultural development. The online training-of-trainers (ToT) programme of My.COOP, which focuses on training methods, has been organized every year at the International Training Centre of the ILO ITC/ILO in English, French and Spanish since 2012. The main objective of the online ToT is to allow cooperative managers and trainers to acquire the necessary competencies to design and deliver an interactive and participatory face-to-face training using the My.COOP training modules.

This year’s ToT has been taking place from 1 June to 7 August, with the participation of 25 people from Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Netherlands, Philippines, Rwanda and Vietnam.

ILO COOP was invited to participate in one of the webinars organized in the framework of the online ToT on 19 July. The presentation focused on ILO’s work on cooperatives since 1920. The presentation started with an overview of the key milestones of ILO’s work on cooperatives and the evolution of the approaches. It was followed by an explanation of the current areas of work: legal and policy advice, development cooperation, training and capacity building, research and knowledge generation and enhancing partnerships. It concluded with a reflexion on the important role of cooperatives in responding to the current COVID-19 crisis, showing examples of measures taken by cooperatives around the world. The presentation was followed by a round of Q&A, which focused mainly on the ILO’s cooperative work at the country level and the response to the COVID-19 crisis.