Publications on Collective bargaining and labour relations


  1. Publication

    Social dialogue in the public service in selected countries of the European Union

    19 July 2018

    The aim of this paper is to analyse the regulation and practice of social dialogue in the public service at the European Union (EU) level and within a group of EU countries, with a focus on the forms of social dialogue other than collective bargaining and their evolution after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis.

  2. Book

    Collective Agreements: Extending Labour Protection

    04 July 2018

    This volume examines the extension of collective agreements and its use as a policy tool to expand the coverage of labour protection, and shore up collective bargaining.

  3. Publication

    Freedom of association - Compilation of decisions of the Committee on Freedom of Association (PDF version)

    20 June 2018

    Sixth edition (2018)

  4. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 97

    Multi-employer collective bargaining in South Africa

    12 June 2018

    In South Africa, collective bargaining operates at multiple levels. The main distinction to draw is between single-employer bargaining and multi-employer bargaining.

  5. Country Baselines

    2017 Annual Review under the follow-up to the ILO 1998 Declaration - Compilation of baseline tables, by country

    16 May 2018

    (based on the reports of Member States that have not ratified all fundamental Conventions and/or that have not ratified the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930)

  6. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 94

    Organizing On-Demand: Representation, Voice, and Collective Bargaining in the Gig Economy

    29 March 2018

  7. Factsheet no. 5 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Grievance handling

    19 March 2018

    Workers have rights and entitlements that are established in laws, employment contracts, collective agreements and workplace rules, as well as in custom and practice (the way things are normally done – and have been done for a long time – in a particular workplace, industry or occupation). We say that workers have a grievance when they believe that some aspect of these is not being respected by their employer. Grievances are usually described as ‘individual’ when only one worker is involved and ‘collective’ when a group of workers all believe they are suffering from the same breach of the rules. Grievances relate to addressing infringements of existing rights and entitlements, from bullying or harassment, to underpayment of wages, refusal to grant rest periods, weekly rest days or public holidays, discrimination or underpayment of bonuses or other entitlements.

  8. Book

    Industrial relations in emerging economies: The quest for inclusive development

    15 March 2018

    This work examines industrial and employment relations in the emerging economies of Brazil, China, India, South Africa and Turkey while assessing the contribution of industrial relations to inclusive development.


  1. Issue Brief no. 1 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Trends in collective bargaining coverage: stability, erosion or decline?

    01 November 2017

    Collective bargaining over wages and other working conditions between unions and employers is a key labour market institution in democratic societies. The coverage and impact of this institution varies over time and across countries. This policy brief examines differences in collective bargaining coverage for 75 countries.

  2. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 89

    Social dialogue and economic performance - What matters for business, a review

    15 September 2017