Events and courses

January 2022

  1. Brown Bag Lunch

    Scoping Study: International Investment Agreements

    The aim of the report is to gain a better initial understanding of the references to labour in investment agreements.

  2. Webinar

    Labour market transitions: Findings and research directions from a novel dataset

    In this virtual event, authors of the ILO brief that introduces this occupational mobility network will discuss their collaboration, methods used, initial findings, and future research directions that may be pursued in 2022 and beyond.

December 2021

  1. Event

    Gendered effects of trade liberalization on labour market outcomes in Malawi

November 2021

  1. Webinar

    Exploring Decent Work in the Pharmaceutical Industry

    Job creation in the production of medical cannabis in Lesotho and Zimbabwe

October 2021

  1. Virtual Symposium

    Advisory Committee on Integrating Trade and Decent Work

    The Advisory Committee on Integrating Trade and Decent Work is an integral part of the ILO research programme on Integrating Trade and Decent Work (INTEGRATE).

  2. Event

    Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169: Towards an inclusive, sustainable and just future

    Over thirty years have passed since the adoption of Convention No. 169. There have been some positive outcomes of indigenous and tribal peoples in many countries, ranging from their increased visibility in policy discussions, improved statistical data collection on their situation, to a decline in poverty rates. However, such progress has been limited in several countries, with indigenous and tribal peoples facing continued invisibility.

  3. Virtual Symposium

    Integrating Trade and Decent Work: Assessing impact of trade on labour markets

    The Virtual Symposium on “Integrating Trade and Decent Work: Assessing impact of trade on labour markets” is jointly organized by the ILO Research Department and the European Commission.

  4. ILO Research Department Training

    Ethiopia national training on evidence-based policy making

    It is widely recognized that evidence (data, research, best practices) is essential for decision and policy making. In practice, the use of evidence in the policy-making touching the world of work is still at its early stages and unevenly practiced.

July 2021

  1. ILO Research Department Webinar

    Using vacancy data to study skills dynamics

    Knowing what skills are required by employers when recruiting new workers is an important basis for the work of all labour market actors. This seminar, will present the project “Machbarkeitsstudie Kompetenz-Kompass”, which has developed a methodology to identify recent hard and soft skill requirements in job ads published on the “BA-Jobbörse” employment website provided by the Federal Employment Agency (Germany).

  2. Virtual Workshop

    Effects of Trade on the Labour Market: A Firm-level Perspective

    The virtual workshop will present key findings of the ILO project on “Trade, enterprises and labour markets: Diagnostic and firm-level assessment” (ASSESS), which is funded by the EC. ASSESS provides tools and techniques at the macro, sectoral and firm level to analyse the impact of trade on labour markets.