Meeting documents

November 2014

  1. Meeting document

    ILO staff costs in the context of the comprehensive review by the ICSC

    03 November 2014

    This document provides a brief update on the status of the International Civil Service Commission’s review of the common system compensation package, together with an overview of trends in staff costs as requested by the Governing Body.

October 2014

  1. Meeting document

    Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body -Second report: Arrangements for the 13th African Regional Meeting

    31 October 2014

  2. Meeting document

    Report of the 18th American Regional Meeting and Lima Declaration (Lima, 13–16 October 2014)

    31 October 2014

    This document contains the final report of the 18th American Regional Meeting, adopted by the delegations of the region, meeting in Lima, Peru, on 16 October 2014. Appendix I contains the Lima Declaration; Appendix II contains the report of the Credentials Committee, which the Meeting requested, in accordance with article 9, paragraph 4, of the Rules for Regional Meetings, 2008, be brought to the attention of the Governing Body. The Governing Body is invited to see the draft decision in paragraph 225.

  3. Meeting document

    Report of the Meeting

    31 October 2014

  4. Meeting document

    Report of the Credentials Committee

    31 October 2014

  5. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General Fourth Supplementary Report: Follow-up to Governing Body decisions

    30 October 2014

    In the present document, the Governing Body is provided with an overview of the action envisaged or already taken by the Office to give effect to the decisions adopted at its previous sessions and is invited to re-examine the current form of the report as part of the review of the implementation of the Governing Body reform to take place at the 323rd Session (see draft decision in paragraph 5).

  6. Meeting document

    Enhanced programme of technical cooperation for the occupied Arab territories

    29 October 2014

    This document reports on progress made and planned ILO interventions within the context of the programme of technical cooperation in the occupied Arab territories. It highlights ongoing ILO initiatives addressing the situation of workers and key challenges, including the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza, since the last reporting period. The Governing Body is invited to: (a) take note of the crisis in Gaza and of the developments in the ILO’s technical cooperation programme in the occupied Arab territories; (b) support a robust ILO engagement in the reconstruction of Gaza; and (c) provide guidance on the proposed ILO response through the enhanced programme of technical cooperation and its implementation.

  7. Meeting document

    Complaint concerning non-observance by Guatemala of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), made by delegates to the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution

    23 October 2014

    The document provides follow-up to the request made by the Governing Body in March 2014 to resubmit this question for its consideration at its November 2014 meeting

  8. Meeting document

    The standards initiative: Follow-up to the 2012 ILC Committee on the Application of Standards

    23 October 2014

    The document sets out the possible modalities, scope and costs of action under article 37 of the ILO Constitution to address a dispute or question that may arise in relation to the interpretation of an ILO Convention. It also addresses further outstanding issues in respect of standards policy and the supervisory system (see the draft decision in paragraph 125).

  9. Meeting document

    Agenda and programme of the 322nd session of ILO's Governing Body

    23 October 2014

  10. Meeting document

    Report of the first meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee established under Article XIII of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (Geneva, 7–11 April 2014)Report of the Chairperson to the Governing Body, in accordance with Article 16 of the Standing Orders of the Special Tripartite Committee

    22 October 2014

    Firstly, to enable the Governing Body to take note of the report of the Chairperson of the first meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee (7–11 April 2014), as required by the Standing Orders of the Special Tripartite Committee, and of the final report of this first meeting; secondly, to appoint the Chairperson of the Special Tripartite Committee for a further two-year term; and thirdly, to consider convening the second meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee in 2016 (see the draft decision in paragraph 17).

  11. Meeting document

    Update on the operation of the complaint mechanism in Myanmar

    21 October 2014

  12. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General: Fifth Supplementary Report: Documents submitted for information only

    21 October 2014

  13. Meeting document

    ILO’s Technical Cooperation Strategy 2015–17

    17 October 2014

    This paper proposes a Technical Cooperation Strategy for the period 2015–17 within the context of the 2013 ILO Field Operations & Structure and Technical Cooperation Review. The strategy is centred on four elements: focus, effectiveness, capacity development and resource mobilization, including in the regions. Operating principles combined with deliverables and targets are proposed to guide the Office’s action on development cooperation from 2015 to 2017. The Governing Body is invited to request the Office to implement the strategy summarized in tables 1–4, taking into account the guidance given in the discussion (see the draft decision in paragraph 34).

  14. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General - First Supplementary Report: Update on the internal reform

    17 October 2014

    Report on progress made in respect of the implementation of the internal reform agenda.

  15. Meeting document

    Annual evaluation report 2013−14

    17 October 2014

    In the present document, the Governing Body is provided in Part I with a progress report on the ILO’s evaluation work during 2013–14 as measured against its results-based strategy 2011–15. Part II of the report summarizes the results of several studies on the Office’s effectiveness in achieving short- and medium-term objectives. The Governing Body may wish to take note of the present report, endorse recommendations to be included in the ILO’s rolling plan for the implementation of recommendations and suggestions contained in it, and confirm priorities for the 2016–17 programme of work (see the draft decision in paragraph 73).

  16. Meeting document

    Programme and Budget for 2014–15: Regular budget account and Working Capital Fund

    16 October 2014

    This paper provides information on the position of 2014–15 income and expenditure as of 30 September 2014. For the nine-month period ending 30 September 2014, contributions received were US$323,671,681 and expenditures recorded were US$258,698,719. In accordance with article 21.2(a) of the Financial Regulations, arrears of contributions received in 2014, were used to reimburse the Working Capital Fund, to cover the 2012–13 deficit of US$17,531,149. The excess of income received over expenditure as at 30 September 2014 is US$47,441,813 at the budget rate of exchange of 0.95 Swiss francs to the US dollar.

  17. Meeting document

    Discussions of high-level evaluations: Strategies and Decent Work Country Programmes

    16 October 2014

    This document provides a summary of the findings and recommendations of three independent high-level evaluations conducted during 2013–14. The final section of each evaluation summary contains a set of recommendations requiring follow-up and sets out the Office response. The Governing Body is invited to take into consideration the findings, lessons learned and recommendations and to request the Director-General to ensure their appropriate implementation (see the draft decision in paragraph 140).

  18. Meeting document

    Update on the headquarters building renovation project

    16 October 2014

    At its 309th Session in November 2010, the Governing Body approved a comprehensive plan for the renovation of the ILO headquarters building. This paper provides information on the developments since the 320th Session of the Governing Body in March 2014. The Governing Body is invited to take note of the additional requirements and costs associated with the granting of the building permit and the resulting reduced scope of the project required to retain the total cost approved in 2010, and to encourage the Director-General to continue to explore options for additional financing to enable the full scope of the project to be realized (see the draft decision in paragraph 28

  19. Meeting document

    List of Registered Persons

    16 October 2014