Violence at work (3rd edition)

Thoroughly updated and revised, the third edition of this groundbreaking book examines the full range of aggressive acts that occur in workplaces including homicides, assaults, sexual harassment, threats, bullying, mobbing and verbal abuse. It offers new information and evidence about the incidence and severity of workplace violence in different countries (including examination of some terrorist and mass murder events), identifies occupations and situations at particular risk, evaluates various causal explanations, and details some of the social and economic costs...

Preventive action is possible, and indeed essential, to meet the challenge of a violence-free working environment. Recognizing that workplace violence is not merely an episodic problem created by deranged persons, the authors point out that it is a highly complex issue, rooted in wider economic, employment relationship, organizational, gender and cultural factors. With these issues in mind, the volume evaluates the effectiveness of workplace anti-violence measures and responses such as regulatory innovations, policy interventions, workplace designs that may reduce risks, collective agreements and various 'best practice' options.
Stressing the importance of a systematic and targeted preventive response, this study also looks at the existing international initiatives and recommendations that have recently been developed in an effort to end the heavy toll violence inflicts on many of the world's workplaces.

The ILO's long-standing concern and continuing commitment to the protection of workers and to a safe and productive working environment have contributed to this latest publication on violence in the workplace. Increasingly, we are being made aware of the scale of the problem and the different forms such violence can take. Aggression, assault, sexual harassment, physical abuse and homicide cause widespread concern across occupational sectors worldwide. The challenge of a violence-free working environment is in the spirit of early international instruments on workers' rights and can be rightly considered as encompassing not only human rights but also labour, health and safety, and criminal justice issues. This book looks at existing legislation, guidelines, and practices and calls for a systematic approach in response to a problem which is now also being taken up by other international agencies and which can inflict a heavy toll on so many of the world's workplaces.