Impact and people


  1. (Executive summary) Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety

    05 September 2008

  2. Cementing social peace, political stability and economic growth in Nepal

    27 August 2008

    Between 1996 and 2005 Nepal was ravaged by war and on the threshold of ‘failed state’ status. In 2006, the country finally succeeded to pull itself back from the brink. In April this year national elections were held but the major political parties have failed to form a new coalition Government and disputes over key political positions remain unresolved. Meanwhile the economy, which has been hit hard since the millennium, continues to slide. A comprehensive and balanced package of labour market reforms in Nepal, including a new approach to industrial relations, could help to reduce tension in the workplace and disturbances on the streets thus paving the way to higher investment and economic growth, says a new ILO study.

  3. Breaking gender barriers: A young woman’s quest in a male-dominated profession

    11 August 2008

    One billion people will reach working age within the next decade – the best educated and best trained generation of young men and especially young women ever. But despite great efforts carried out by governments and social partners, the youth unemployment crisis is growing, and the gender barriers have yet to be overcome. Young people, particularly women in developing countries, need equal access to training and jobs. Then, as the story of Paula shows, all it often takes is determination.

  4. Executive summary:Globalization, Flexibilization and Working Conditions in Asia and the Pacific

    10 August 2008

  5. Promotional Flyer:Globalization, Flexibilization and Working Conditions in Asia and the Pacific

    10 August 2008

  6. 9 August – International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2008 – Organizing out of poverty: indigenous peoples in the Philippines

    07 August 2008

    There are more than 5,000 different indigenous peoples living in some 70 countries in the world. About 70 per cent of them are in Asia and the Pacific, mostly in rural areas. They often lack control over land and resources and face high levels of discrimination and poverty. ILO Online reports from the Philippines where indigenous peoples were able to organize themselves to have a stronger voice.

  7. Breaking the barriers: an innovative collaborative approach between the workplace and an STI clinic in Sri Lanka

    01 August 2008

  8. Meeting the challenges of HIV and AIDS workplace policies & programmes in companies with educated workforce

    01 August 2008

  9. Workplace Policies on HIV and AIDS and the Right to Non-discrimination: Pilot Initiatives in Nepal

    01 August 2008

  10. Empowering agricultural cooperatives to drive the HIV/AIDS response in rural areas

    01 August 2008