Decision on the 17th item on the agenda: 381st Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association

Record of decisions | 23 March 2017

Decision on the 17th item on the agenda: 381st Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association

Review of the Committee’s working methods and identification of areas for reflection

The Governing Body:

(a) took note of the report contained in document GB.329/INS/17(Add.);

(b) took note of the positive outcome of the establishment of the subcommittee and expected it to continue its work;

(c) took note of the results of the discussion on CFA working methods;

(d) requested to be kept informed regularly by the Committee of the work of the subcommittee and the discussion on CFA working methods, including any points for decision.

(Document GB.329/INS/17(Add.), paragraph 11, as amended by the Governing Body.)