Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: The ILO and the multilateral system: ILO preparations for the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20)

Record of decisions | 02 April 2012

Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: The ILO and the multilateral system: ILO preparations for the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20)

The Governing Body:

(a) called on the Office to continue its active participation in the preparations for the Rio+20 Conference, as laid out in document GB.313/INS/4;

(b) identified the key messages to be stressed in the outcome document of the Conference as including the following: (i) the need for a strong social pillar of sustainable development with decent work as a conceptual framework to integrate the economic, social and environmental pillars and to provide a pathway towards social inclusion and poverty reduction; (ii) the recognition of social dialogue as a major contributor to the governance of sustainable development; this would require capacity-building of stakeholders from the world of work; (iii) the importance of decent work should be reflected in appropriate indicators and in the possible sustainable development goals that the Rio+20 Conference may formulate;

(c) called on the Office to anticipate substantial follow-up for the implementation of the Conference outcomes;

(d) asked the Office to keep the Governing Body informed about the outcomes of the Conference.

(Document GB.313/INS/4, paragraph 20 as amended.)