Decision on the ninth item on the agenda: Report of the Tripartite Ad Hoc Working Group on the Follow-up Mechanism of the MNE Declaration

Record of decisions | 23 March 2012

Decision on the ninth item on the agenda: Report of the Tripartite Ad Hoc Working Group on the Follow-up Mechanism of the MNE Declaration

The Governing Body:

(a) thanked the members of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Follow-up Mechanism of the MNE Declaration for their report;

(b) adopted the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Working Group in paragraphs 10 to 15 of the report annexed to document GB.313/POL/9 and took note of the recommendations in paragraphs 16 to 22 for their consideration and further discussion at the 316th Session (November 2012) of the Governing Body, together with an operational plan to be proposed by the Office under paragraph (c), subject to further review of the financial implications arising from the activities endorsed;

(c) requested the Office to prepare for its 316th Session (November 2012), in consultation with the tripartite constituents, a proposed operational plan for putting in place the MNE Declaration follow-up mechanism and the specified promotional activities on the basis of the recommendations submitted by the Ad Hoc Working Group at the present session;

(d) decided to further suspend, until its 316th Session (November 2012), the decision taken at its 258th Session (November 1993) to conduct surveys of the MNE Declaration every four years, to consider adoption of an operational plan for the follow-up mechanism.

(Document GB.313/POL/9, paragraph 6.)