Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: Questions arising out of the 99th Session of the International Labour Conference, requiring immediate attention

Record of decisions | 30 June 2010

Questions arising out of the 99th Session of the International Labour Conference, requiring immediate attention

The Governing Body took note of the discussion on this item and of the reply given by the Office according to which, at the 309th Session (November 2010) of the Governing Body, the Committee on Technical Cooperation would review a plan of action containing a road map for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour; the same session would receive the necessary documentation on the complaint concerning non-observance by Myanmar of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), submitted under article 26 of the ILO Constitution by a number of delegates to the 99th Session of the International Labour Conference.

The Governing Body decided:

(a) that, in November 2010, a document would be submitted to the Steering Group on the follow-up to the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization on coherence between economic, financial, employment and social policies at the international level, in line with paragraph 50 of the conclusions concerning the recurrent discussion on employment, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 99th Session (2010);

(b) that, during the preview of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2012–13, to take place in the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee at the 309th Session of the Governing Body (November 2010), consideration would be given to the conclusions concerning the recurrent discussion on employment referred to in the previous paragraph, and in conformity with paragraph 58(iii) of those conclusions.