
Decision concerning the appointment of Governing Body committees and working parties and of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO

Record of decisions | 25 June 2021
The Governing Body:

(a) reappointed for the 2021–24 period Professor Evance Rabban Kalula as Chairperson of the Committee on Freedom of Association;

(b) appointed for the 2021–24 period the Governing Body members mentioned in the addendum, as members of the Committee on Freedom of Association;

(c) conveyed its appreciation to Mr Jan Farzan (Germany) for the valuable services rendered as Chairperson of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group since 2016;

(d) appointed for the 2021–24 period Ms Thérèse Boutsen (Belgium) as Chairperson of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group;

(e) noted the appointment of members of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group for the same period, made by the three groups and listed in the addendum;

(f) appointed 24 of its members mentioned in the addendum as members of the Board of the International Training Centre of the ILO for the 2021–24 period; and

(g) noted the appointment of the governments mentioned in the addendum as members of the tripartite working group on the full, equal and democratic participation in the ILO’s tripartite governance for the duration of its extended mandate.

(GB.342/INS/3, paragraph 13)