335th Session of the ILO Governing Body

Decision concerning the follow-up to the resolution concerning remaining measures on the subject of Myanmar adopted by the Conference at its 102nd Session (2013)

Record of decisions | 28 March 2019
Having considered the report submitted by the Director-General, the Governing Body:

(a) welcomed the signing of the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for Myanmar in September 2018, and encouraged Myanmar to fully engage with its implementation and other member States to support these efforts;

(b) expressed serious concern over the persistence of forced labour, noting the CEACR observations pertaining to Convention No. 29, and urged the Government to intensify its close cooperation with the ILO for the elimination of forced labour including under the auspices of the DWCP, and through the development of a time-bound action plan for the establishment of, and transition to, an effective complaints handling procedure;
(c) expressed concern over the important shortcomings in the draft legislation and urged the Government to ensure that labour law reform to promote freedom of association reflected genuine and effective tripartite dialogue and was in line with international labour standards;

(d) called on the Government to implement the recommendations of ILO supervisory bodies to ensure there were no restrictions or intimidations of workers and employers in the exercise of their fundamental rights at work, and raised concerns regarding recent charges laid against trade unionists engaging in peaceful protest action;

(e) encouraged the Government to promote decent work through responsible investment policies in line with the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy; and

(f) requested the Office to report on progress made to the Governing Body at its 337th Session (October–November 2019).

(GB.335/INS/12, paragraph 30, as amended by the Governing Body)