Monitoring the performance of the youth guarantee in Spain: Training workshop

The workshop took place in Madrid from 13 to 15 December 2016.


The Youth Guarantee (YG) in Spain targets young people aged 15-29 who are neither in employment nor in education or training (NEETs). The strategy underpinning the implementation of the YG includes interventions to promote youth employment and self-employment, improve education and training outcomes and ease the matching of labour supply and demand.

The implementation of early intervention, activation and labour market reintegration measures is entrusted to a network of implementing partners, coordinated by the State’s General Administration (i.e. the Ministry of Employment and Social Security - MoESS).

The development of a monitoring and evaluation system is a requirement for the implementation of Youth Guarantee Plans (YGP). The establishment of such a system requires that managers engaged in the implementation become conversant with the various methods and tools that can be used for measuring the performance of the measures that are part of the YGPs.

Against this backdrop, the International Labour Office is supporting the national team responsible for the Spanish YG in the development of a monitoring framework that measures the performance of youth employment measures during implementation with a view to adjusting the design and delivery of interventions and capturing information and lessons learnt for future policy design and implementation. This work is undertaken in the context of the EC-ILO Action on enhancing capabilities of practitioners to design, implement and monitor youth employment policies.


As part of the EC-ILO Action, the ILO and the Ministry of Employment and Social Security conducted a training workshop that took place in Madrid from 13 to 15 December 2016. This workshop aimed to:
  • familiarize participants with the key features of the indicator framework for monitoring the Youth Guarantee established at EU level;
  • develop indicators to measure the performance of interventions included in the Spanish YGP;
  • review the monitoring data of the YG to take corrective action; and
  • share knowledge on the implementation of YG measures among Autonomous Communities (AACCs) and between them and intermediary organizations.


The workshop was designed for senior staff of the organizations and entities involved in the implementation of the YGP. The profile of workshop’s participants included competencies in the broad areas of the YGP and in monitoring and evaluation systems. A total of 52 participants attended the workshop.