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Foreigners Act (2005:716).

Main Region

First Region

Migrant workers
Law, Act

Second Region

Utlänningslag (2005:716).
The consolidation of the Act includes a total of 62 amending texts through September 2018 (up to Act 2018:1294). The consolidated text includes various amendments.

Contains 23 chapters concerning, inter alia:

Chapter 1: Definitions and general rules.
Chapter 2: Conditions for a foreigner to enter, remain and work in Sweden.
Chapter 3: Visa.
Chapter 3a: Right of residence for EEA nationals and others.
Chapter 4: Refugees and other persons in need of protection.
Chapter 5: Residence permit.
Chapter 5a: Term of residence status in Sweden.
Chapter 6: Work permit.
Chapter 6a: The EU Blue Card.
Chapter 7: Revocation of permits.
Chapter 8. Expulsion etc.
Chapter 8a. Deportation due to criminal acts.
Chapter 9: Control and coercive measures.
Chapter 10: Custody of foreigners.
Chapter 11: Treatment of an foreigners in detention.
Chapter 12: Implementation of expulsion orders etc., including obstacles to expulsion, such as fear of capital punishment, torture etc.
Chapter 13: Processing of cases within administrative authorities etc.
Chapter 14: Appeal of an administrative authority.
Chapter 15: Explanation of satisfaction.
Chapter 16: Migration courts and the Migration Court of Appeal.
Chapter 17: Disclosure obligations.
Chapter 18: Public counseling.
Chapter 19: Liability for costs.
Chapter 20: Penal sanctions etc.
Chapter 21: Temporary protection.
Chapter 22: Court witnesses.
Chapter 23: Special authorizations.

The Act implements various EU directives.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Basic Text region

Implementing Text region

Amending Text region

Repealed Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Svensk författningssamling
    Vol. 20
    No. 716
    Page range
    pp. 1-47