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Employment, Education and Training Act. No. 80.

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Education, vocational guidance and training; Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services
Law, Act

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This Act provides, inter alia, for the establishment of the National Board of Employment, Education and Training, the Employment and Skills Formation Council and the Commonwealth/State Consultative Council. Their functions are chiefly to inquire into, and provide information and advice with respect to, matters in relation to employment, technical and further education, and training. Grants are available for innovative or curricular projects (s. 52). The Act also provides for a Commonwealth Employment Service, which is to advise the Council and the National Director of the Commonwealth Employment Service on the operation of that Service. The Commonwealth Employment Service Act 1978 (LS 1978 - Aust. 1) is among the Acts repealed (s. 68). Consequential amendments to other Acts and Regulations are set forth in Schedules 2 and 3. Entry into force on a date set by proclamation.

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    38 p.