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Act No. LXXX of 1997 on persons entitled to social security benefits and private pensions, as well as the funding for these services.

Main Region

First Region

Social security (general standards)
Law, Act

Second Region

1997. évi LXXX. törvény a társadalombiztosítás ellátásaira és a magánnyugdíjra jogosultakról, valamint e szolgáltatások fedezetérıl
Regulates social insurance legal relations in line with the requirements of individual responsibility and self-support and the principle of social responsibilities; the employers' and the insured persons' insurance responsibilities; the mandatory participation of the insured in the social security system; and the contribution payment obligations of the employers and the insured, as well as the fulfilment of these obligations. Specifies the scope of social security benefits and services provided in the private pension system linked to the social security system. Includes eight chapters and 60 articles. Repeals numerous Acts, decrees and articles.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Implementing Text region

Repealed Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Printed separately
    Page range
    30 p.