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Provisional Regulations on unemployment insurance for workers and employees in state-run enterprises, issued by the State Council.

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Unemployment benefit
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Under these Regulations, an Unemployment Insurance Fund is set up, in part to ensure that the basic daily needs of workers and employees in state-run enterprises are met. The Regulations apply to workers and employees of bankrupt enterprises, those laid off or made redundant by an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy or undergoing reorganisation during the period fixed by law, those whose contracts of employment have been terminated or cancelled by the enterprise and those who have been dismissed (s. 2). The Regulations provide for contributions to the Fund by workers and enterprises, and set forth the purposes for which payments may be made from the Fund (e.g. unemployment relief and medical care expenses, training or removal expenses). Employment services attached to the local labour administrative authorities are in charge of the Fund as well as of providing employment guidance and job referrals for the unemployed (s. 12). Entry into force 1 Oct. 1986.

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    Ministry of Labour and Personnel Publications
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