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Act No. 6050-XI of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on individual enterprise.

Main Region

First Region

Soviet Union
Elimination of child labour, protection of children and young persons; Freedom of association, collective bargaining and industrial relations
Law, Act

Second Region

This Act authorises individuals to engage in individual enterprise in the crafts and services sectors as well as in certain social and cultural areas. It defines engaging in individual enterprise as socially useful activities which are not connected with the individual's labour relations with state, co-operative or other public bodies; it also prohibits the use of hired labour (s. 1). Workers during their free time, retired persons, students and other categories of citizens, in particular those not involved in social production, may engage in individual enterprise, with the possibility of being assisted by members of their family (s. 3). Permit procedures apply to engaging in individual enterprise, which in all cases requires the prior issue of a registration certificate or a licence (s. 7). The Act provides for an appeal in case such authorisation is refused. Parts II to V govern the exercise of individual enterprise in the various sectors; each Part contains lists of permitted and prohibited activities in this regard. The final provisions (ss. 22-23) deal with supervision and liability in the case of infringement, which may lead to the withdrawal of the permission, the certificate or the licence, depending upon the case, as well as the confiscation of income from prohibited individual activities, in accordance with the rules of civil procedure. German translation appears in WGO Monatshefte für Osteuropäisches Recht, 1986, Vol. 28, No. 6, p. 369-376.

Serial region

    Serial title
    Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR
    N. 47, T. 964
    Page range
    p. 905-914