A just transition to a sustainable future: Next steps for Europe

ILO-Brussels is pleased to invite you to join us for a round-table discussion on how Europe can build a just transition to a greener, fairer economy. The event will be hosted by Jean Lambert MEP, and feature an exciting panel, including:
  • Vic Van Vuuren, Director of the Enterprises Department at the International Labour Organization
  • Hugo-Maria Schally, Head of Unit ENV.B1 - Sustainable Production, Products & Consumption at the European Commission
  • Rebekah Smith, Deputy Director for Social Affairs at Business Europe
  • Montserrat Mir, Confederal Secretary at the European Trade Union Confederation
The objective of the round-table is to bring important actors together to discuss how the EU and its Member States can create new green and decent jobs and achieve a just transition, and how social dialogue can help to shape the shift to a low-carbon economy.

The transition to a green economy is already having profound effects on the world of work. Changes in the way we produce and consume are altering the industries and skills that we need. New jobs are being created, while others are eliminated, adapted or substituted.
The creation of green, decent jobs is central to sustainable economic development as set out in the UN 2030 Agenda. The ILO’s Just Transition Guidelines offer a framework for countries to simultaneously promote social justice and tackle climate change. Through its tripartite structure and its global place in the world of work, the ILO is uniquely positioned to help countries respond to the double objective of the protection of the planet and the promotion of inclusive growth.
You can consult our new policy brief on just transition here.

The round-table will take place in English.

Note - Registration has now closed.

If you are still interested in attending, please send an email to pietro.romano@europarl.europa.eu with your name, date of birth, nationality and number of ID or Passport.

Thank you